Today I have highjacked the blog from our amazing writer Leah to share my story with you.
One year ago today I was about to embark on a new journey. I think it's important for anyone who is going through a storm to know that others have gone through storms too. Sharing our story's can impact the world and inspire others to look for hope in the storm.

January 2022 Bluebird was just an idea on paper and an empty yellow school bus that sat in my driveway. We had no idea what the year to come would look like. We did know that a national non-profit 'Save The Storks' recognized the idea and selected me to come to Colorado Springs, Colorado to attend an Innovative Conference and pitch the idea to their panel.
As excited as I was for this opportunity I was going through an emotional struggle at the time. Forces were pushing me into a position where I needed to leave my current job, (the job I had prayed for for over a decade). It caused my heart to truly break, along with precious friendships. As if that wasn't enough two weeks before I was to leave for Colorado I had an abnormal mammogram that shook our world.
It is my personal belief that God will shake us and move us out of places we don't want to leave. It is also my personal belief that when we follow God's calling, the enemy will do anything to try to stop us! That is exactly what I was experiencing. From the outside people were so excited for my new adventure. On the inside and behind closed doors I was scared. I spent many days crying myself to sleep.

The doctor who read my mammogram told my husband and I that I had cancer. As my breath was taken away an overwhelming amount of peace came over me. I had a clear vision of what my summer was going to look like... leaving my job, spending more time with my family, and taking the bus out in to community to serve. I had no idea what my future truly looked like but I had HOPE. My mom is currently in remission from breast cancer and I know other amazing women as well who fought and won.

Within 1 hour of hearing this news we met with a breast surgeon who did not believe it was cancer. It took 11 days, 1 biopsy, 1 surgery to completely remove the tumor, to find out it was not cancer! Praise God!
That week I also quit my job. As I was still recovering I refused to cancel my trip to Colorado and one week later I took a flight by myself to a state I have never been to! This was the first time I have ever gone on a trip like this by myself. It was exhilarating and encouraging!

The encouragement, support, love, guidance, leadership, peer support, that I received at this the Innovative Conference was so powerful I returned ready to execute the Bluebird Vision! It was soon after I returned from my my trip that I found out I won the pitch and $10,000!!!

Something that should have not only stopped me, but ultimately stopped the Bluebird from success didn't! Friends, I am here one year later to announce that it is my personal belief that Bluebird exist today because of God. It is because of Him that doors were opened, people that loved me surrounded me, people against me were pushed aside, and lives have been forever changed.

This week I had my annual mammogram and it was all clear! I will not forget the anxiety and emotional turmoil I went through last year. It is moments that we feel hopeless and survive that we can use those experiences to provide hope to others. That is why Bluebird is partnering with a local church and Tri-Health Mammogram Mobile to offer a day of free mammograms this summer. We will be there to offer hope before and after the mammogram. No one should do life alone, and that includes mammograms! More details to come.
If you are going through a storm of any kind please reach out to friends, family, or the Bluebird! We would love to walk with you through your storm. Trust me there is hope available to you. Schedule an appointment with the Bluebird today!